
The Eastern Electronic Festival, is a leading British new-music festival. The aim of The Eastern Electronic Festival to encourage the public to explore British Asian visual arts, new-music, and engage with the festival via a thought-provoking and creative series of newly produced events.

The festival focuses on fuelling the public’s interest and involvement in an unique and inspiring way by bringing together doers and a network of artists to create new commissions (and skills) in a collaborative process. Our aim is to bring to the limelight the fundamental, but yet overlooked hard questions of British Asian music development, contemporary arts and cultural inquiry, with the hope of sparking new and constructive ideas to tackle, develop and address the many problems of today.

Last year we commissioned 52 new projects, worked with over 30 new partnerships, worked with over 69 artists and 120 volunteers. The Eastern Electronic Festival 2014, connected with  2. 6 million audiences (live and digital) across 29 days. As part of the festival we also produced the UK’s first British Asian youth television music channel Shaanti TV, made by young adults.

Visit www.easternelectronicfestival.co.uk or www.shaanti.tv and explore, discover, engage with our vision for a stronger cultural future.

If you would like to get involved in changing the future of British arts, music and culture, or would like to discuss idea’s for partnership or sponsorship, then please contact us on music@shaanti.co.uk